110 Schlinger / 231 Spalding
Office: 626-395-4138
Fax: 626-568-8743
Post-Doc. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, 1989
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, 1988
M.S. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 1984
B.S. Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, 1983
Molecular and microscopic aspects of polymer viscoelasticity. Application of optical, NMR and x-ray techniques to observe order and dynamics in polymers, including associative polymers, block copolymers, liquid-crystalline polymers, semicrystalline polymers and polymer gels
Awards and Honors Bingham Medalist, 2017 Bird, Lightfoot, Stewart Lectureship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017 Covestro Lectures, University of Akron, 2015 RA Mashelkar Lecture, National Chemical Laboratories, India, 2013
Hougen Symposium on Frontiers of Liquid Crystals, University of Wisconsin, 2009
Chemical Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Utah, 2008
Whitby Lectures, University of Akron, 2008
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007
Stein-Bayer Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2006
Thiele Lecture, University of Notre Dame, 2001
Fellow, American Physical Society, 2000
Newcomb Lecture, Tulane University, 1999
Colburn Lecture, University of Delaware, 1998
Dillon Medal of the American Physical Society, Division of High Polymer Physics, 1996
Presidential Young Investigator Award, National Science Foundation, 1990
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Chemical Society
American Physical Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Materials Research Society
Society of Rheology