Akash Dhawan
Akash Dhawan
I am a G4 in Medical Engineering. I graduated from Rice University with a BS in Bioengineering in 2019, where I worked with Prof. Mary C. Farach-Carson to investigate mutations in basement membrane proteins. I am an MD/PhD student, so I attended USC Keck School of Medicine for two years before arriving here at Caltech in 2021. I worked with Prof. Julia Greer for my M.S. in Medical Engineering studying polymers and nano-mechanics. My current research focuses on triggering collagen self-assembly using light to make 3D cell scaffolds with controlled architecture (read more). I am interested in regenerative medicine, and I hope that these scaffolds can be used in wound healing applications. I want to become a physician-scientist so I can understand the current problems in medicine from my patients and use the skills I learn here at Caltech to develop novel technologies and treatments that are cheaper, quicker, and more effective. Outside of work, I enjoy trying new things, live music, running, baking, videogames, and spending time with my foster dogs!